Student visas

Intensive italian language courses of the maximum duration of one year (permit l)

Non-native Italian speaking students have the possibility to follow intensive full-time courses during the day (minimum 20 hours per week), to learn or improve the Italian language.

Admission procedures for students not resident in Switzerland

The application for student visa has to be presented to the Switzerland embassy located in the student’s residing country at least 12–16 weeks before the commencement of the course;

Foreign student already present in Switzerland if the law permits him (in specific cases) can request his staying permit in our country or convert his current permit to study permit “L”

The consent of Student Visa (Permit L) is only for the study period of more than 3 months. When the study period is 3 months or less, tourist visa terms will be applied.

Foreign students resident abroad can obtain a temporary residence permit “L” for study purposes, limited to the duration of the academic year or of the course. The application form for the granting of the relative permit must be signed, apart by the student, also by parent or guardian if the student is under 18, and must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Receipt of payment for the entire period of study (see conditions of enrolment);
  • 3 passport-size photographs or legal foreigner document;
  • declaration of the School certifying the student’s registration, with the confirmation that the applicant is qualified to follow the courses;
  • declaration of availability of financial means by the student or his/her parent or guardian;
  • curriculum vitae only if explicitly requested by the competent authorities;
  • lodging declaration if being given hospitality or rental agreement for all the students aged 18 or over and, for students under 18, lodging declaration of accommodation in family;
  • declaration of parent or guardian attesting their commitment to not reside in our Canton during the academic year in order to assist their son;
  • declaration certifying that during the study period the student will not perform any profit-bearing activity in Switzerland;
  • declaration certifying that at the end of the study period the student will leave Switzerland.

The School will assist the students in preparing all the documents to be submitted to the competent authorities for the granting of the study permit.

Visa application form for entry into Switzerland for study purposes to fill in, print in 3 copies and submit with the requested documents (see above) to the Swiss representation of the student’s own country or any other country where the student lives.

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