We live Italian

At a time when the public debate revolves around the use of AI (artificial intelligence), we could not avoid reflecting on what teaching means to us today and how we choose to put it into practice.

We believe that language learning is closely linked to context and culture and always takes place within a network of linguistic, social, cultural and emotional relationships.

Our choice was driven by the latest neuroscience studies and the resulting language teaching implications. If neuroscientific research claims that “the greater the activation of sensory and cognitive parts, the greater the memory” – as the brain is inextricably linked to the body and vice versa – our method is communicative/experiential. It is practical, it focuses on the student and his or her education, through a network of linguistic, social, cultural and emotional relationships.

To this end, the Experiential Learning Workshop was included in our teaching programme.

We encourage students to use Italian as their language of communication, boosting all skills, through techniques for developing linguistic processes in situational, cultural and playful lessons in real-life contexts.

Language learning is fostered by directly involving the student in the development of autonomous learning. In the experiential learning WORKSHOPS, designed for all levels, participants have a practical goal to achieve, using their linguistic, social and transversal resources. In our WORKSHOPS, Italian is therefore the key tool for success.

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