Conditions for enrolment
1. Enrolment
1.1 The application form must be fully filled out and returned at least 1 month before the course starts; 2 months in advance for students inhabiting in overseas and who need a student visa to enter Switzerland; Any time if the foreign student is already present in Switzerland and whom the law permits (in specific cases) to request his staying permit in our country or to convert his current permit to study permit “L” (in case of delay, please contact the School).
1.2 Payment in advance is requested for the whole period of studies. A copy of the effected payment of the invoiced amount must be handed in to the school or transmitted by electronic means.
1.3 The student receives a confirmation of the enrolment or, in the case of a requested student visa, the necessary documents when the payment has been made.
1.4 There will be no refund for absences due to personal reasons such as holiday, illness or the impossibility to reach the school, as for instance bad weather or other.
2. Payment procedure
2.1 Fees for the course or the stay: the amount must be paid as per the invoice sent by e-mail, only in Swiss Francs.
2.2 Accommodation: the student will pay the accommodation fee directly to the school when enrolling in the course.
3. Cancellation
3.1 General. The enrolment can be cancelled for serious and proven reasons, in written form within 15 days prior the beginning of the course; this cancellation gives the right to a refund after the deduction of CHF. 150.- (administratration fee).
3.2 If the rest of the payment is not made within the indicated term, the school reserves itself the right to cancel the enrolment without any refund.
3.3 If the cancellation occurs (for serious and proven reasons) after the beginning of the course, the refund is equal to 50% of the cancelled part of the same.
3.4 If the student visa should be refused (document of failed issue), the school will withhold CHF. 500.- for administration fees and refund the rest of the deposit. If other obstacles apply, the conditions of the cancellation will be those explained above.
3.5 Private and individual lessons: Cancellations and changes must be announced to the school at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise the service will be considered effective and billed.
4. Liability and insurance
4.1 Students only have the benefit of a general liability insurance, covering accidents that may happen during the activities organized by the school.
4.2 Students should procure an insurance, which covers non-educational activities and medical expenses. Information is provided by the School.
5. Act of god
Should services the students are entitled to, be suspended for any unexpected reason, the School has the right to alternative solutions, without being bound to refund partly or totally the course fees.
6. Place of jurisdiction
For any dispute the Swiss law is applied and Lugano will be the place of jurisdiction.
Application form
To enrol please fill in the below application form or download the pdf form and after you completed it please send per fax or email.
Please read the conditions and fill in all the field.
Thank you.