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Dipartimento lingua, cultura e formazione


New SMART Intensive Courses:
We value your time!

ILI’s new SMART intensive Italian language course is effective, fast, essential, compact.

in presence

Live streaming


Maximum effectiveness in a short time

The courses are aimed at adults of any age, origin and level, who wish to learn the Italian language and to companies that wish to train their collaborators in the Italian language.

With the ILI School you reach your goals!

You are at the center of teaching, we give importance to your needs and your motivations to help you achieve your goals in the best possible way.

Ours is an immersive didactic approach: you learn by living situations, sharing experiences, expressing yourself naturally.

Based on your practical needs, you can immediately learn and apply specific language aspects for work or exams or immerse yourself in Italian culture with the new Intensive PRO Courses.


SMART Intensive Course Costs

1 week: CHF 380.-

2 weeks: CHF 660.-

3 weeks: CHF 900.-

4 weeks: CHF 1’090.-

Registration fee: CHF 90.-

Course materials: CHF 60.-

Depending on your initial level, the course offers the possibility to reach all levels of linguistic competence within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2.

Teaching certified by eduQua

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Siamo Centro di Esame FIDE

Puoi sia sostenere l’Esame che prepararti al meglio presso la nostra sede a Lugano.

Somministrazione Test FIDE: ogni mese 2 sessioni, di lunedì
Preparazione all’esame: lezioni 2 volte al mese

Build your own way!

What's your goal?

Fill out this short questionnaire for a personal consultation.

    Che modalità di lezione preferisci?*

    What kind of lessons do you prefer? / Welche Art von Unterricht bevorzugen Sie?

    In quale situazione ti serve parlare l’italiano?*

    In which situation do you need to speak Italian? / In welcher Lage brauchst du Italienisch? / En quelle situation as-tu besoin de parler l’italien?

    In cosa vuoi migliorare?*

    What would you like to improve? / Was möchtest du verbessern? / Quoi veux-tu améliorer?

    Cosa ti aiuta di più ad imparare la lingua?*

    What hepls you to learn the language? / Was hilfst dir, die Sprache zu lernen? / Quoi t’aide t-il d’apprendre la langue?
    [max 3 options]

    Per cosa usi le tue app (sul cellulare, ipad, pc)?*

    For what do you use your apps (on cell phone, ipad, pc)? / Wofür benutzt du deine Apps (auf Handy, iPad, PC)? / Pour quoi utilises-tu tes apps (sur portable, ipad, pc)?

    Quanto tempo hai a disposizione per frequentare?*

    How much time to you have to attend the course? / Wie viel Zeit hast du zur Verfügung? / Combien de temps as-tu pour faire le cours?

    Quando preferisci frequentare?*

    When do you prefer to attend the course? / Wann möchtest du den Kurs machen? / Quand veux-tu faire le cours?

    Ti ricontatteremo entro 24h, per la consulenza personalizzata. Come e in che lingua preferisci essere ricontattato?*

    You will be contacted within 24h to get your tailored advice. In which way and language do you prefer to be contacted? / Wir werden dich innerhalb 24h kontaktieren, für eine personalisierte Beratung. Wie möchtest du kontaktiert werden sein? / On va te contacter dans les 24 heures pour lo conseil personnalisé. Comment préfères-tu, qu’on te contacte?